WHO declares Mpox global health emergency

Scientists are alarmed at the high fatality rate and rapid spread of a new variant of the virus.
2024-08-14 22:06:51

Social media selfie hunters harming flora and fauna, scientists warn

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2024-08-13 16:07:38

Scientists Find New Evidence of Hobbit-Like Creatures on Remote Island

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2024-08-11 16:12:13

Racehorse dung analysis predicts future success

Scientists found gut microbes in a young foal directly correlate to long-term health and performance.
2024-08-08 03:06:43

400-year record heat threat to Great Barrier Reef

The highest sea temperatures in 400 years could threaten the reef's survival, say scientists.
2024-08-07 18:07:16

Sea lion camera crews help scientists map unexplored seabeds

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2024-08-07 08:06:42

Major Earth Systems on Track for Collapse, Scientists Find

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2024-08-07 02:06:33

Complex life on Earth may be much older than thought

Scientists say they have new evidence that complex life on Earth began much earlier than previously believed.
2024-07-29 03:06:49

Scientists Detect Huge Caves Under Surface of Moon

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2024-07-15 21:08:14

IVF help for wild rhinos from zoo cousins

Scientists are collecting eggs from rhinos in zoos in a bid to boost the gene pool of wild rhinos.
2024-07-04 04:06:48

Post Content
2024-06-20 22:07:39

Are animals conscious? How new research is changing minds

A series of experiments have led a number of scientists to say animals may be conscious.
2024-06-16 03:06:24

Testing DNA in the air may make food cheaper

Scientists are sampling the air for deadly diseases that can harm plants, animals and humans.
2024-06-10 04:10:43

Scientists Working on Desperate Plan to Refreeze Arctic

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2024-06-08 18:07:00

Crossbows and eerie silences - climate clues from Antarctic whales

How scientists are discovering secrets of Antarctic climate change in the bodies of giant humpback whales.
2024-06-08 04:07:05

Scientists shocked after seeing Tiger shark throw up echidna

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2024-06-06 08:08:22

Argentine scientists find speedy 90-million-year-old herbivore dinosaur

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2024-04-25 20:10:00

Scientists Detect "Anomaly" Underground Near Great Pyramid

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2024-05-21 21:08:24

Japanese Scientists Show Off World's First Wooden Satellite

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2024-05-29 23:06:34

Live worm found in Australian woman's brain in world first

The parasite - usually found in pythons - could have been there for two months, scientists say.
2023-08-29 07:31:57

Bird flu infects penguins at famous wildlife haven

The first avian influenza cases in the penguins of South Georgia are reported by scientists.
2024-03-11 20:08:49

Face of 75,000-year-old Neanderthal woman revealed

Scientists build a 3D model of one of our evolutionary cousins from the pieces of a shattered skull.
2024-05-02 02:06:47

Top scientists urge action against faeces in rivers

A team of Royal Academy of Engineering scientists say the risk from human faeces is increasing.
2024-05-21 02:07:14

Eagles changed migration route to avoid Ukraine war

Scientists believe they avoided perils including artillery fire on their way to their traditional breeding ground.
2024-05-21 16:09:22

UK breakthrough could slash emissions from cement

Scientists from Cambridge University find an ingenious way to decarbonise one of the world's most polluting materials.
2024-05-22 19:08:06

Deaths mount from flash floods scientists had warned about for years

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2023-10-06 16:08:56

Brazil scientists developing new 'vaccine' for cocaine addiction

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2023-10-26 04:07:01

Scientists: Climate change intensified the rains devastating East Africa

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2023-12-07 18:09:44

Scientists Warns That the Dubai Climate Conference Is Full of Crap

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2023-12-13 01:06:49

Chinese Cities Are Sinking Into the Earth, Scientists Find

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2024-04-20 14:07:35

German scientists urge urban areas to adapt due to climate crisis

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2024-05-13 18:08:40

Scientists solve mystery of ancient 'tree of life'

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2024-05-15 20:08:22

8 Ursae Minoris b: Scientists unlock mystery of planet that escaped death

A planet that should have been eaten by a huge star has baffled scientists until now.
2023-06-28 18:10:13

Antarctic sea-ice at 'mind-blowing' low alarms experts

Missing winter sea ice signals changes that could be a "disaster for the world", scientists say.
2023-09-17 15:39:48

Biggest cervical cancer drug advance in 20 years hailed

Using existing drugs differently may be the biggest treatment breakthrough for decades, say scientists.
2023-10-23 12:08:07

Iceland quakes weaker but volcano warning persists

Seismic activity has been less intense but a volcanic eruption still seems imminent, scientists say.
2023-11-13 12:08:15

'Uncharted territory' fears after record hot March

Monthly hot streak continues in March with scientists struggling to explain the scale of recent heating.
2024-04-09 04:06:28

Scientists create plastic-eating bacteria to help waste self-destruct

Scientists make a self-destructing plastic using plastic-eating bacteria in a sci-fi like development.
2024-04-30 19:08:34

Warmest September in history as 'gobsmacking' data shocks scientists

This year is on track to be the warmest on record after September temperatures alarm scientists.
2023-10-05 14:45:10

Iceland builds wall to protect power plant from lava

Scientists say a volcanic eruption could happen any moment near the evacuated town of Grindavik.
2023-11-14 21:08:47

Blood test shows if organs are ageing fast or slowly

Proteins in blood reflect how well the brain, heart and other major organs are faring, say scientists.
2023-12-07 04:07:58

Pliosaur discovery: Huge sea monster emerges from Dorset cliffs

Scientists marvel at the fossilised head of an underwater 'killing machine' from the Jurassic.
2023-12-10 08:09:16

Monster iceberg found to weigh nearly trillion tonnes

Scientists use a radar satellite to take a "tape measure" to the world's biggest block of ice.
2023-12-14 02:06:40

UK weather: hottest June since records began - Met Office

Scientists found evidence that climate change made the warmer weather last month more likely.
2023-07-03 20:15:11

El Ni?o planet-warming weather phase has begun

Storms, droughts and record high temperatures lie ahead as US scientists confirm El Ni?o has arrived.
2023-06-08 23:14:37

South Africa's Kruger National Park study: Animals fear human voices more than lions

Scientists played recordings of both people talking and lions growling through speakers at water holes.
2023-10-06 14:09:50

Watch: Green flash as meteor blazes across sky in Australia

Residents in north-east Australia caught a glimpse of what scientists believe to be a meteor on Saturday night.
2023-05-22 10:11:21

Ha ezt a 8 dolgot betartod, 6 évvel lassíthatod az öregedést

Az amerikai tudósok szerint nyolc egészségügyi dolog betartása mintegy hat évvel lassíthatja az öregedési folyamatot - számolt be a hírről a The Guardian.
2023-11-06 13:06:28


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